Post-Course – Quantitative

Table 3: Satisfaction with MoM course features (Likert)

Table 3: Satisfaction with MoM course features (Likert)

Evaluator Comments

In Table 3, survey participants indicated high satisfaction regarding the course website, presentation of content and alignment of course delivery to the stated objectives (all three of these scores were 4.53 or higher). Scores were marginally lower in regards to the usefulness of forums and chat sessions, and the relevancy of the assignment.

The comparatively lower scores of the usefulness of the forums and chat sessions and the relevancy of the assignment may be linked to the lower level of priority or importance assigned to these aspects in the course. Participation in both forums and chat sessions were voluntary and the assignment was a requirement only for those intent on earning a certification of competence (as opposed to earning a certification of participation, or no certification at all).

Table 4: Overall Perceptions of MoM Course (Yes/No)

Table 4: Overall Perceptions of MoM Course (Yes/No)

Evaluator Comments

For the four Yes/No questions, all survey participants’ responses were decidedly in the affirmative (Yes) reflecting a high level of satisfaction with the MoM course. Also noticeable was that a number of survey participants (N = 42) indicated they would not have enrolled in the MoM course if a certificate was not awarded.

This finding links to the question on rationale in the Pre-Course subsection. In this question more than half of survey participants selected Professional development or To create my own MOOC as rationale to enrol in the MoM course. Having a credential such as a certificate would serve to add legitimacy to completing the course if to be used as a means of professional development, or to demonstrate competency as a potential designer of a MOOC.

This finding in Table 4 may also reflect a basic desire for institutional recognition for the time invested in a course.


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