Appendix A: Instructor Questionnaire

Evaluation Questions for MOOC on MOOCs

Prepared by: Kirk Perris, PhD


Thank you for agreeing to participate.

The questions pertain to the MOOC on MOOCs (MoM) course, offered by the Commonwealth of Learning and the Indian Institute for Technology, Kanpur, from September 5, 2014 to October 12, 2014.

Please be as detailed and as candid as possible. In the write-up I will endeavour to safeguard the anonymity of respondents and will identify no one by name.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email

Essential Questions:

1. What was/were your role(s) in design, development, or delivery? Please be as detailed as possible.

2. What were your own goals/expectations for the course MoM relative to your investment of time and your own professional learning? Were these achieved? Why or why not?

3. How well do you think the course met learners’ learning expectations (i.e., instructional design, assessment and credentialing, collaboration and effective participation, technological requirements, copyright and intellectual property, costs, differentiation among MOOCs)

4. What were your perceptions of the mooKIT platform? Did it adequately support course delivery, course materials, course assessment, and student/instructor interaction

5. Do you think the time spent (i.e., in general, including the team, not just yourself) on designing and running the MoM is cost-effective? Why or why not?

6. Are there desirable attributes that students should possess to be successful in a course like MoM? Please elaborate.

7. If the course were to be offered again, what suggestions would you make for improvements to the MoM relative to design and/or delivery? Are there suggestions that would apply to designing and/or delivering a MOOC in general?

Optional Questions:

8. If you were involved with the M4D MOOC, how would you compare/contrast your role(s) from each MOOC?

9. How would you compare/contrast instructional design from M4D to MoM? Were changes based on pedagogical approaches, content, or other? Explain.

10. What lessons learned from M4D were applied to MoM? Please consider design, development and delivery.

— Thank you!! —


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